Thursday, February 24, 2011


These represent an interesting challenge when loaded with free flowing liquid.  The inertia force created by moving liquid can affect the handling of these vehicles.  To give you some idea what this force is like, fill a bathtub with water then move around in it and then suddenly stop moving. A tub may only hold 40 to 50 gallons was water (approx weight of the water would be 300 to 400 lbs). tankers can hold anywhere from 3,000 to 5,000 gallons of water, or more. That means upwards of 40,000 lbs of liquid moving around back there.
Because of this, tankers generally require more room for stopping distances. As discussed in earlier blogs a fully loaded semi truck traveling 55 mph needs a MINIMUM of 300 ft to safely stop.  A fully loaded tanker usually requires about 1.5 times that or 450 ft.  This distance needs to be increased as road and weather conditions decrease. 
Because the loads tankers carry are so unstable, tanker drivers will usually turn corners at a much lower speed. Please be patient.

Let’s be safe out there and happy motoring………..

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